Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Line of' Go Sleepy'

  1. Leroy wanted to surprise his wife, Marnie, on her birthday with a painting of her and her nephew, Luke. Leroy wanted it to be of Marnie singing Luke to sleep while she was carrying him. Luke was a large 4 year old and Marnie a small woman. This was something she did many times when they babysat him and Leroy loved seeing them.This was what was described to me that Leroy wanted painted. The reference that I got was not of this position of course, it had to be worked out and composed from a number of pictures. The trick was to make it look natural and have weight. It was started with a thumbnail then a few roughes for position and then a clean line with likenesses of the 2 of them. Once Leroy and myself felt I got it I enlarged to twice it's size and traced it onto my watercolour paper. Real to start painting.

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