Again working with 2 layers of line and flat colour. The wings colour is on separate layers because they need to be transparent. The wings have the solid colour but the opacity is dropped down. Everything is shaded separately. The glow in her hand is done on a separate layer.
This is how it ended up with a pale green gradated layer of 30% and daubs filter When I worked with it and the figure to see how they played off each other. Here you will be selecting from the layer with flat colour. I was working back and forth between the 2 layers getting my shading .
This is the line layer and the flat colour layer. I ended up simplifying more with less holes through to the 1st layer group. It is important to keep this layer with flat colour only and clean so you can select areas with your magic wand.
Line is brought in on multiply on one layer- one layer is the background colour -one layer is the dark shades - one layer is the lights. Then you link layers. This is the 1st group of background. When I am happy with this they are merged together and filtered using the daub effect.
I have a small sketch pad where I scratch out ideas. I enlarge on the computer and trace and refine drawing. The background flowers and figure are drawn separately so I have more room to manipulate. They are going to be on separate layers.